Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A Hard Day

These are some pics taken on Sunday after a hard afternoon of shopping with Mommy, Daddy and MawMaw. We went to Pensacola and it was very busy. I was a good boy in my stroller though. After we got home, I played in my Jumperoo for MawMaw (she had never seen me jump in it) and then was so tired that I fell asleep while sitting in my Mommy's lap. She was a little tired too.

By the way, most of you may know that Mommy started back to work on Monday. Things have been going well. So far, I've been a good boy at daycare and I slept through the night last night. I am worn out when we get home though. I'm so tired that I don't really want to "play" with my solid food. I really just want the 3 B's: a bath, bottle and bed. Mommy has managed to slip in a few green beans and some pears in the past two days, but we may have to figure something else out. At some point, I usually end up taking a snooze with Mommy like I was in these pictures. We just have to figure out our schedule and we'll go from there, I guess. Right now, it's lights out for me...Later!

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