Saturday, October 28, 2006

My first Sausage Festival

Hello again everyone! I've been pretty busy lately learning how to roll from my back to my tummy (accomplished for the first time last Saturday) and how to sit up on my own. I am getting pretty good at the latter as I can sit leaning forward, but I can only hold it for a few seconds before toppling over to one side or the other. We are practicing every day, so look for updates in this area soon.

Today, however, was a very important day in the life of a child living in and around the Elberta, Alabama area. It was my very first Sausage Festival. It was pretty cool and breezy, so Mommy and Daddy bundled me up and packed me into the Baby Bjorn. I know I look uncomfortable, but I really do love this thing. It's the only way I can tolerate a trip to Wal-Mart these days. Anyway, back to the sausage...we only stayed long enough to get our sausages, walk around and visit some family/friends, and get a funnel cake for Mommy (the woman loves fried batter!). It was a good time. The sausages were delicious (or so they tell me), but they've gone up in price to $4.00 each. When Mom and Dad were growing up, you could get a sausage for half that price, but it's definitely worth the money if you've been waiting 6 months for the next fest to roll around. Native Elbertians can tell you that. For the next Sausage Festival (March '07), it will be on like a chicken bone! I'll be 10 months old and on the prowl. As you can see, the whole ordeal was too much for me and it was lights out on the way home. I did, however, manage to hang on to my rinky links during my entire nap. Sometimes I just can't get over how cute I am! Have a good weekend everybody!
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